Chapter 8: The period conversation that saved my life...


I feel like this picture depicts my whole life. Well except for Gary, the peeing biker. That man is in a league of his own πŸ˜†

So heads up this post is about mensuration. Incase you don't know what that is, it's a woman period, if you're someone with a weak stomach when it comes to female anatomy, like some men I know, well... goodnight and God bless....✌

Please note, I have no intention of holding anything back. Which is basically what I've done with this blog so far. Awareness is important and these are conversations we NEED to have as women. Holding back due to embarrassment or the fear of it being "taboo" isn't helping any of us.

Now that I've separated the weak-stomached from the rest of us I shall continue....πŸ˜†

So, i'm fairly certain most of you know how a woman's mensuration cycle works.  If not, here's the cliff notes version. A woman's period (in theory) should occur monthly. It's at this point where the old lining of the uterus is shed and makes way for the new fertility cycle. Understandably, the amount of lining that a woman sheds depends on the individual. Hence why there is umpteen different types of pad/tampon sizes. They range in thickness from small, medium, large... to XL, overnight.  However, if you're anything like me, you certainly require industrial grade.  Heck, now that I think about it, I should have just shoved a duvet comforter down there with hopes of that doing the job.

So more or less, every month, for 4 -7 days my underwear looked like it was the backdrop where the Texas chainsaw massacre movie was being filmed.  The only thing missing was "a chainsaw-wielding killer and his psychopathic family". To be honest, this was my normal, and never knew any different. Since I could remember I've always had fairly heavy-ish periods. Mind you, they did get progressively worse over the past 3-4 years. ie, using 2 overnight pads, having to change them every 2 hours, and if not, having it leak through my pants every time I stood up from a seated or lying down position.  Yes, this included even while I was in bed asleep. FUN TIMES!πŸ₯³  

Since this wasn't something women ever really talked about, I was never aware it was abnormal. I would just laugh to myself, every time I saw a commercial about a woman on her period playing tennis, riding a bike, or playing with her dog in the park.  Of corse with a big smile on her face.  Showing that although she's bleeding, she's just fine because she's able to adjust her tampon based on her flow level.  "Thin for those light days, and if you leak go up a size!". Uhhhh, what size would you recommend for tsunami grade bleeding? asking for a friend of corse.......πŸ™Š

Fast forward to June 2020.

I was having dinner with a very close friend, I would even call her a sister as she's very much family at this point. P.s. you know who you are, i'm happy to mention you name but I'm not sure if you want me to so ill keep it to myself πŸ˜‰. As we were catching up, as we normally do, I happened to mention about my period. More commonly known by most as "aunt flow" of corse. I proceeded to tell her how annoying and inconvenient it's become, given how heavy it's been as of late. Not to mention that I've actually had to leave work, more than once, because I had "an accident" with no back up pants. Yes ladies, you know exactly what i'm talking about. Those black, back up period pants you have hidden in your work desk or car for cases such as these. Of corse she immediately informed me how "NOT NORMAL" this is and to get checked out immediately by my GP. I figured yeah... its kinda bad, so I probably should, so I reached out to him a week or so later.

While I spoke to him over the phone, thanks COVID, I could sense the concern in his voice. "Im going to put in an urgent referral to a gynaecologist". "Ummm ok?..." I responded. It was at that point I figured the issue might be a lot bigger than just a "heavy flow".πŸ˜•

To be continued....


  1. "Stick a douvey cover down there" I jist about feel over from laughing so hard. This one is written very well. Good story Laur!

    1. Honestly I knew you'd like that one so I made sure I put that in there LOL


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