Chapter 35: CT 3 mo. Post IUD Surgery
Well, this seems all too familiar to be honest. It seems the MRI's and CT's are always lumped together. I guess because they are so similar in their results, and how they show the body that it just makes them easy to compare I guess. But h3ll, what do I know i'm not a doctor let alone an oncologist. Im happy to say that looking back at last weeks post, that I had a pretty good MRI, the second time. For those of you who are not familiar with the Hospital layout, the CT and MRI area's at PMH are in the same section, despite being on opposite ends of the hall from each other. Lucky for me the staff that were there the first MRI, were not there the second time, so smooth sailing. However, seems though going back for my follow up CT, I was not so lucky as the MRI. Here we go, it was only a few days later after the follow up MRI that I had to head back downtown to the hospital for my follow up CT. A journey now, that seemed all too familiar by this point. Naturally, after th...