Chapter 29: This ones for you...
Ode to my uterus....
You were there when my life started, and grew with me through time.
Little did I know you'd no longer just be mine.
We've been through highs and lows together, much to my dismay.
But now we must be parted, it sucks to be this way.
Seems as though this was my path I was directed to,
But since the choice seemed not my own, i'm feeling like a fool.
A fool you ask?, why must you say such a devastating words.
Well how this whole crap-show started was because of female urge.
What urge is this you wonder deep, of all the things to say,
Naturally, the urge to become a mother, and have a little one one-day.
A beautiful little mocha mixed baby that we could call our own,
Instead I got this bulls*t news that forever rocked our home.
"You have cancer", the female voice said on the other end of the phone,
Lucky for me to hear this at work, instead of the comfort of my home.π
I cant help but be sarcastic, its what helps to get me though
This clearly is no laughing matter, but I guess better me than you.
I was given this road much travelled by those before I came,
but although the road signs may read similar, the path is not the same.
Immediately I thought inside "just another hill to climb,
This path to your child your taking, will make the reward much sweeter, just sucks it takes more time"
The prize of being your mother, to my unborn spirited child,
Seems as though I may have to wait much longer than just a little while.
I thought you would live with me much longer, and allow me to give birth,
But unfortunately thats not the case and has now shaken my self worth.
Biologically Im a female, a woman through and through,
But now that she's been taken from me, its something I cant undo.
How do I get back that feeling of loving the woman I am,
and not feel anything but anger and depression, who planned this bullsh*t scam.
I know despite the long run, these feelings wont go away,
However I do hope daily, that it may hurt less someday.
Created and Written by Laurie Porter.
feel free to add any thoughts or comments,
See you all next Monday!
Omg Laurie I just want to hug you. This post, this poem, these words from your soul; put together so rhythmically but still so sad. I just want to cry #Fuckcancer