Chapter 10: First trip to this gynaecologist....


There I was, so bright eyed, bushy tailed, and down right optimistic to think “well, not all doctors are bad, I’m sure, although it was possibly offered in medical school, not all doctors actually took God 101. I’m sure this gynaecologist I’m seeing today will be ok. I bet she’s seen plenty of women. Heck she’s a woman herself! I’ll be juuuuuuust fine”. Well I’m older and wiser now than I was 6-7 months ago and wow did that gynocologist prove me wrong...... 🀨

Once again, this is a 100% true story, it happened to me personally, and I could NEVER make this crap up.🀦🏻‍♀️

So the last time I went to a gynaecologist was about 15 or so years ago,  because I didn't have my period for 6 months. No I wasn't pregnant.  It was then I was told (once again) "your weight is too high, you need to loose weight. Work on that for a few months and come back and see me and we will go from there if it is still an issue." Well I can't really lie, she wasn't entirely wrong. I lost 35 pounds, and magically my period came back.🀷

Fast forward to June 2020....

I remember it quite clearly given it was only 2 or so days after my birthday. I went to the office, ready to find out what was wrong with me. Only to sit in the waiting room for what seemed to feel like was eternity. No seriously, what the heck was taking so long?! I sat there for at least an hour if not an hour and a half. Surprisingly I only got there 15 mins before my appointment, so I certainly wasn't that early. It was nice though that the TV in the corner was able to keep me company while I impatiently waited. Luckily they had "the talk" on ironically, get it? women chatting and its a gynaecologist ok moving on. I do love me some Sharon Osborne though spunky ol' broad after my own heart, but I digress.

They finally called me in to another room, which felt like an 5x7 prison cell, to wait another 40 mins. Oh yeah, another 40 frigging minutes of waiting. For those of you who are keeping track yes we are now at 2 hours and 10 minutes of waiting for this woman. Who the heck does she think she is?! I wouldn't even want to wait that long at a BSB concert for that crap to start. πŸ˜’ Oh who am I kidding, yes I would, and in fact I have.πŸ˜†. I love me some Backstreet Boys.πŸ˜† But seriously, she is not a backstreet boy or a boy at all for that matter, nor is she even close to a celebrity that anyone should have to wait this long for at all. So of corse, I'm already becoming irritated.

So in the mist of being called into what can only be explained as a prison cell with a "rolly chair" and an exam table. I notice the other room down the hall, which now 2 DIFFERENT people who were not together have gone in AND come out of. WTF IS THE HOLD UP?!? I went back to the receptionist and explained to her how long I had been waiting, "oh i'm sorry, I know its long, Im sure the doctor will be with you soon". COOL....😐 Next thing I know, I hear my name being called in the first waiting room. HUH?! I left the makeshift prison cell and said "yep i'm here", "oh there you are come into this room the doctor is waiting for you". Wait what? how is she waiting for me?! ive been sitting in this damn room for 2 hours and God forbid she's "waiting for me".  Listen, ill be the first to admit, patience is not my strong suit, but CMO'N!πŸ˜–

I then walk into another room which can be only described as a 5x9 prison cell. So yes, seems this room was a minor upgrade, but at least the doctor was sitting there at the computer. "hi come and have a seat" she said with a very thick accent. Which was a nice breath of fresh air given the last doctor I saw in person  was the fertility one, and we all know how that story went FMLπŸ˜’.  But if not, feel free to scroll back and few posts in this blog to the first fertility treatment and you'll hear ALL about it.

Nevertheless, thats pretty much where the positivity started and pretty much ended. She then proceeded to "read my chart" and, why I was there I guess, while rumbling some random medical jargon under her breath that even Dr, McDreamy or Dr. McSteamy wouldn't understand. Yes I know Greys Anatomy is a fictional show, and they were both killed off basically, but its real to me😝. Not to mention we could all use a little Dr Jackson Avery right now, just saying πŸ˜‹

After finishing mumbling to herself, she briefly looked at me for a solid 5 seconds without saying anything. Uhhhh can I help you? I thought to myself.  She then looked back at her computer and proceeded to tell me why I was there, like I didn't know.πŸ˜’ But whatever lets just go with it. She proceeded to ask me a slew of questions which I tried to answer to the best of my ability. Personally I think I handled it well, given she fired them off at me like she was trying to give a gun at a firing range a run for its money. Im sorry, you had we waiting for 2.5 hours and THIS is how fast you've been talking?!? am I missing something here? cuz it seems like things aren't adding up if you ask me.

While doing her best auctioneer impression with the questions she had, she barely took her eyes off the computer screen for 98% of the appointment, COOL. In the midst of all the questions, I told her how bad the tsunami of bleeding I have each month I menstrate. She then said she would prescribe me some medication called tranexamic acid which "should" help with the excessive bleeding. She then asked about family health history of corse. So I told her. I then told her that someone in my family, not immediate, died of ovarian cancer. She then immediately stared at me again for 5 seconds, weird what is up with the staring?!, before insisting I have a uterine biopsy. "Go to the receptionist on your way out and book a biopsy".  Ummm, ok? well thats it I guess? waited almost 3 hours for that? Its like being on a rollercoaster ride strapped in ready to go only to climb to the top of the hill to wait for 3 friggin hours and then go backwards to where you started and then told to go home.πŸ˜•

Well whatever, I went to reception and booked a biopsy for 2-3 days later.

To be continued....


  1. So just a question or two in general...not about all but yea...Why do doctors think they are high shit? That they need to be respected? Why do we have to be on our best behavior when seeing a doctor? Why do doctors look down on us? Thanks for sharing and showing doctors aren't perfect...just plain old regular people

    1. I think thats a big take back from all of these stories. Not all of them are the Hot stuff they think they are. They are regular people and their patients deserve respect!

    2. Respect Laurie's authoritay! πŸ˜†


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