
Showing posts from April, 2021

Chapter 22: First Pet Scan

   This is not a picture of my own scan, This just to give an idea of what the scan looks like. So here we are at another test. I know that may come off as passive aggressive, but really its not intended to be that way. I am feeling so blessed to be able to have such an amazing team behind me to give me such great care. Even If I had to jump through quite a few hoops to get there. Next in the line up of tests, was a PET scan. For those of you who do not know what a PET scan is, the machine itself looks like  an MRI or CT machine, but it provides more specific results. According to dr. Google,  a PET scan, also known as a positron emission tomography, is a machine that doctors use to locate/check for disease inside the body. The person having the test is given dye containing "radioactive tracers", depending what part of the body they are looking at will decipher how the dye will be given i.e. orally, injection etc. But here's the thing though, given the nature of the ...

Chapter 21: The hunt for the oncologist results

Hi All, Hope you all had a good week. So for those of you who are keeping count, so far I have had an MRI, CT, and ultrasound. Despite doing all of these tests, we seem to have not gotten any answers. Well let me correct that, its given the doctors answers, it just hasn't given ME any answers. Seeing as no-one has actually gone over any of the results with me. Im sure as many of you can imagine, if you haven't been there yourself, to say this situation is extremely nerve-racking, terrifying, and exhausting would really be an understatement.  Lucky for me, being a patient in the UHN network, as mentioned in the previous post, I was able to access all of my appointments and results on my "online patient portal". For those of you who are not aware of what that is, it's basically you're patient chart that you can access online. Its actually very cool and quite convenient to help keep organized. Seeing as during everything that was happening I could barely remember...

Chapter 20: First CT

  Hey all, Welcome back! Hope you all had a good week. So for those of you who are not familiar with a CT scan, it is short form for computerized tomography. A CT or CAT scan, is a machine that takes a series of X-ray photos at different angles, of the bones, blood vessels and soft tissues inside the body. As you can see above, the look is very similar to an MRI. However, it takes about a 1/3 of the time, an actual voice that yells at you, and there's a lot more "holding your breath" involved.😆 Naturally as i'm sure you all can imagine, I was still traumatized from the last test I had to do at Princess Margaret Cancer Centre(PMH), yes the dreaded MRI. So knowing that I needed to go back once again to do a CT scan, there certainly was some anxiety going along with it. That being said, I pulled up my big girl panties and went on with the wonderful cancer crap show that was my life at this point. 😆💪 I arrived at PMH early to ensure I was not going to be late, seeing a...

Chapter 19: Ultrasounds (Fertility & Cancer)

Whuddup fam! HAPPY EASTER ALL! 🥚🐇 It's good to be back! thanks to everyone who reached out to me over the past week.💗  Honestly the past week and a bit took a lot out of me, but i'm happy to say that i'm feeling a lot better. Its amazing what a heavy dose of antibiotics can do, thank the Lort for modern medicine!  So, where was I? Oh yeah, the ultrasound at Toronto General Hospital. I find it so funny, as I write these posts, how other memories come flooding back, especially in this case. It's also extremely ironic that easter weekend just happened to coincide with this specific post. That may not make sense right now, but trust me, keep reading and everything will come full circle. Let's go way back to when my husband and I started this whole fertility process about Nov/Dec 2019. They say, if you are 35 years old or older and you have not gotten pregnant yet, then you should reach out for professional assistance. Whoever "they" are, luckily in my case,...