
Showing posts from April, 2023

Chapter 47: The Big Surgery......

Hey friends, Well, I feel like I can basically call you all family now, considering all that i've shared up until this point. Yet I know almost nothing about nearly all of you. But here we are, the grand finale, the big kahuna,  what all of this has lead up to until this point. To be completely honest with you, I am cheating a bit. Up until this point I have been writing these posts in chronological order. But seeing as ive just had surgery, and the amount of things that have happened, I certainly did not want to miss anything.  So Im sure as you can possibly guess, this is going to be a VERY long one, and well,  I'm sure you're right. So snuggle up with a teddy, a blanket, and super stiff drink. As i'm sure we all need it by this point, and if I could drink, rest assured I would have by now. Enjoy the continued shit show that is currently my life.👌 Let me start off by saying, I will try my best to not overlap information given a lot has been said up until this point. ...